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It's The Final Countdown...

Well hello out there,

Guess what? Tomorrow I will be 38 weeks pregnant! Can you believe it, because I surely cannot. This pregnancy has definitely gone by faster than my keepers; which actually makes sense, I am just shocked. When you are pregnant with your own baby, you are spending every moment thinking about how your life will change after baby is born, the items you still need to buy, do you have enough space with your current car, or home, etc. I have literally not had to think about any of that, which has actually been quite lovely! I spend my time thinking about what I am going to do with my own kids once I am not pregnant, the summer trips we have planned with our family, and with the extra special trips we have planned to go visit Baby K and his family once everything has settled down. I do not want to come across as sounding heartless in this, but I am really looking forward to this summer without a new baby in tow, and I know that his parents are patiently taking these last few weeks minute-by-minute until they can have him in their arms. We go together like matcha powder and almond milk (my new favorite addiction!).

So what has been going on these last few weeks? Actually a whole lotta nothing. Like I have said in the last post, from this point forward it really does run just like a normal pregnancy, but I have a few things I can share!

3D Cuteness

So this year in February I turned 32 (again how has time gone by so fast??), and to celebrate my high school bestie and I went to New York City to see the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play, which was UNBELIEVABLE! I could go off on a tangent about how amazing it was but I am determined to stay on track today! Baby K's parents live in New York City, and I was able to go up a day early and spend the evening with them, their son, and meet the Grandparents. It was so much fun, and so rewarding to get to spend time together and talk all things baby, and to surprise them with 3D photos and a video that I had done the week before. I have to tell you, this baby is hands down the cutest! I know we ALL think that about our own children, but I now know that you can't help but see your surro-babes in the same light! Exhibit A below as proof...

Ummm...seriously!! Look at those perfect lips, and squishy cheeks, and all around perfectness! Oh my gersh, I cannot wait to just squeeze him he is so cute! Also funny story, during the ultrasound I told the tech that I ate a pop-tart so he would be sugared-up and active during the scan, and that exact moment Baby K flipped us off! I guess he did not appreciate being sugared-up...don't worry, I took note.

The Birthday Birth-Plan

One of the only pieces of "official" surrogacy things we had to do was make a birth-plan. While I know that many women do that for their own pregnancies (I did it with mine), it cannot be stressed enough how important this is when you are going through this with another couple. This is not the day that you each want to come into labor with different idea's of how it's going to go, or whats allowed/not allowed. I am unbelievable lucky to be matched with the couple that I have, not only have they been so amazing and relaxed this entire pregnancy, they brought that same attitude towards birth-day! Basically with most every question their answer was "whatever Laci wants!". Questions included things like - what happens if the parents cannot make it in time; what happens if I need a c-section; who is allowed in the labor and delivery room; do I want a natural birth, or drugs; will I breastfeed, etc.?

A quick synapsis of our plan is that once labor starts I will call the Intended Parents, and they will begin their quick 2.5 hour drive here. My goal is to labor at home for as long as possible, and once at the hospital I will have an intervention free, natural labor and delivery; although I will have access to the nitrous gas should I choose to use it. I would love for Baby K's parents to be with me during labor and delivery so long as they want to, and the Intended father will cut the cord! This is the part of the birth plan that some people can get a bit squeamish with; the thought of other people being there as I am pushing the baby out. Honesty moment: I truly believe the President could walk in, and I would give him no mind! For starters when you are pushing, especially during an unmedicated birth, your heart, mind and soul have one focus, and literally nothing else matters! Also, when a small watermelon is being pushed through a hole a 100 times smaller, it looks nothing like a vagina. The parents have expressed a desire to be in the room during birth, and I have no desire to take away them watching their child be born. I also have the most birth, labor & delivery, all things pregnancy positive husband on the planet, and he also wants them to be there when their son is born. Seriously though, don't bring up pregnancy and childbirth around Jonathan unless you have time, because he is very passionate about it...and I LOVE it!


Urban Dictionary defines swol as "A very muscular, strong, and just all around person. He looks like the guy you don't mess with because he is very obviously well built...He is the guy that every other guy wants to be." I like to think that I am also swol, just in a different sort of way...I am a very round swollen lady with diminished ab muscles that are spreading across my abdomen. Oh also, my legs, calfs, and feet are so "swol" that shoes do not fit, and compression socks and belly girdle are my new sexy accessories! I am the pregnant women that people do not want to mess with because during one of my many contractions during a day I look like an angry, possessed, bear (noises included). I am so Swol.

Seriously this pregnancy has been one of my rougher ones. Jonathan likes to remind me it's because I am not a young buck anymore...which is probably true. While this pregnancy is so rewarding, and I have no regrets...OH MY GOODNESS! I have been told it's because boy hormones are different than girl hormones, and all pregnancies are different, but good gosh almighty! The morning sickness was long and lasting, the heartburn has been brutal, the insomnia is exhausting (eh...see what I did there), and the swelling unsightly. I know that I cannot really complain because these are very normal and common pregnancy side-effects that I was lucky enough to avoid in my own pregnancies, but experiencing them all at once has been fun!

Seriously who designed this trail-head gate above? I a 33 weeks in this photo and had to squeeze through and I am only 5'2" and my hat brushed the top of the gate!

What Now?

Welp, now we are just in the waiting game! My goal is to try and keep this baby in until my Mama comes on April 15th, but I also realize that I do not get much of a say in that. According to my last appointment, I am currently 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. My braxton-hicks have been constant, and pretty painful, but not consistent yet at all. I have been taking a lot of naps, and slow-walks, and just waiting for things to get real. I have the dang near sweetest husband in the world who keeps cleaning everything, and re-filling my water, and listening to me whine with a gracious and loving heart! In the mean time, my super sweet friends have been loving on me, and spoiling me with prayers and gifts! My lovely, and generous friend Polly could not let me go to the hospital without my own tumbler for hydration, and a wine glass for my celebratory mimosa's after baby is born (both Harry Potter inspired of course)!

I was also blessed with an amazing post-baby, baby shower!! Not only do I attend the most amazing church, but the ladies in my family group went above and beyond to make me feel so special and loved this last Sunday. Not only was there was amazing food, and dessert, and people, but I was also spoiled with a pedicure, belly-henna and gifts for after baby is born! My presents ranged from wine and bath-bombs to stool softener and dermaplast!

I am very much looking forward to not being pregnant anymore, while at the same time not wanting this awesome journey to end! I cant wait to share my labor and delivery story with you in the coming weeks, as well as beyond as I begin the journey of pumping and shipping milk for Baby K.

Love until next time!


Update: I saved this to proof-read and post the next day, and my water ended up breaking at 5:30 AM. I will post the birth story very soon!

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